by | Jul 21, 2021 | Success Story, Youth
Cesar has lived in Brentwood his entire life. When he first enrolled in the EASTBAY Works partner Contra Costa County Workforce Development Board’s (CCCWDB) program for out-of-school youth, Cesar had a part-time job washing cars at a local car wash, a job he was not...
by | Jul 21, 2021 | Success Story, Youth
Varun came to EASTBAY Works a month after becoming a permanent resident of the United States. As a new resident he did not know how to look for employment and was unable to financially contribute to his household. He enrolled in the WIA youth program and his case...
by | Jul 21, 2021 | Success Story, Youth
Jesse is a former foster youth and high school drop-out who had never held a job before coming to EASTBAY Works and enrolling in the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) program for out-of-school youth. Since his enrollment, Jesse has completed GED courses, a customer...